A real fairy tale

For some reason that only perhaps the subtlety of the shadows of the great forest can understand, João and Maria always came back. Without following breadcrumbs.
Because to seek your destiny, you don’t need traces, just follow your soul. Calmly. As did Maria and João.

God helps those who do the night shift

I observed more than I photographed. I noticed in his gaze a reciprocal curiosity, the kind you need little to understand. After all, plotting stories only depends on how far our curiosity for life can take us.

Sussuarana and I

Adriano Gambarini — Don’t stay down, because they confuse with animal… It was the only sentence that that backwoodsman from Piauí spoke, after hours there, on the lookout, waiting for […]

Hindsight and perspective

Adriano Gambarini This year has not been easy for the environment. The planet has shown frequent signs of changes that are not only about to come, but which, in an […]

You never forget your first jaguar

Adriano Gambarini The year was 2000. I was already part of the Instituto Pró-Carnívoros, a pioneering institution in the study of Brazilian neotropical carnivores. At that time, little was known […]

When we were drones

The feeling of seeing that sea of ​​Amazonian trees, the pulsation of the Pantanal lagoons, the very high cliffs of the unknown Raso da Catarina. In other corners, the transparency of oceans, the vastness of deserts, even the urban chaos and the straightness of buildings acquire another beauty when seen from above.

Arapaima guardians

I have been documenting the work of the Paumari since 2013. It is fascinating to see the peoples of the forest take their own traditions in their hands, to realize the power they carry and its immense value.

Caption’s power

If there is the premise that photography immortalizes a moment, may each one be noble enough to immortalize a truth.

Seo Maranhão

That’s when I felt the weight of silence. A nostalgic look was cast at the void that separated us. At that moment, Seo Maranhão showed that he was trapped in a non-existent space-time.

The legendary Jupará

Ademar lost a tortoise, I gained many ticks and the great pleasure of seeing, and now sharing, an animal that is perhaps as fanciful as the stories that are lost in the corners of the forest.