Sebastião Salgado depicts the beauty and importance of the Amazon

Korubo family in Amazonas in a photo of the exhibition “Amazônia” – Photo: Sebastião Salgado

More than 200 images by world-renowned photographer Sebastião Salgado can be seen at the exhibition “Amazônia”, at Sesc Pompeia, in São Paulo, Brazil. With a strong visual impact, the exhibition brings together photos taken in the forests and also captured from the air and during navigation expeditions along the rivers of the region.

The exhibition also has seven videos with testimonies from indigenous leaders about the reality of the Amazon and its importance for the environment, the planet and the peoples who inhabit this biome recognized worldwide for its rich biodiversity.

“Amazônia”, conceived by curator Lélia Wanick Salgado, is the result of seven years of photographic immersion by Sebastião Salgado, with long stays with 12 indigenous communities. The exhibition also features an interesting sound effect, with the noise of trees, water and animals captured in the Amazon rainforest itself and edited in a project signed by French musician Jean-Michel Jarre.

Among the highlights of the exhibition are images of the meeting of the waters of the Negro and Solimões rivers, and the “aerial rivers”, the phenomenon of “flying rivers”, with watercourses formed by air masses loaded with water vapour. responsible for guaranteeing the humidity of agricultural areas in several regions of Brazil, between the Center-West and the South of the country, and also in parts of the territories of Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina.

“Amazônia” is on display in São Paulo until July 31 and will then be taken to the Museu do Amanhã (Museum of Tomorrow), in Rio de Janeiro, where it can be seen until January 2023, when it will be shown in other Brazilian capitals. Before arriving in Brazil, last February, the exhibition was seen in Paris, Rome and London.

The Rio Negro in a photo of the exhibition “Amazônia” – Photo: Sebastião Salgad


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