Entries by Lourival Sant'Anna

Indigenous female leaders

There is a tendency to see indigenous culture as something static. As if changes necessarily represented the abandonment of indigenous culture. But, if we stop to think about it, there are no cultures like that. Every culture changes.

When we were drones

The feeling of seeing that sea of ​​Amazonian trees, the pulsation of the Pantanal lagoons, the very high cliffs of the unknown Raso da Catarina. In other corners, the transparency of oceans, the vastness of deserts, even the urban chaos and the straightness of buildings acquire another beauty when seen from above.

Pantanal means life

The Pantanal is incredibly rich in food, cultures and landscapes. Its vocation is ecotourism. There’s a death impulse lurking around us. We have to respond with a desire for life that is stronger.

Indigenous Top Model

All of us Brazilians have before us this journey towards our denied identity. So glad we got that chance! We will come out much better.

Arapaima guardians

I have been documenting the work of the Paumari since 2013. It is fascinating to see the peoples of the forest take their own traditions in their hands, to realize the power they carry and its immense value.

Sustainable infrastructure

We need to stop seeing the Amazon as a cheap land, stolen from the State, to be exploited for conventional agriculture, and look at the infinitely greater wealth that is on this land.

Caption’s power

If there is the premise that photography immortalizes a moment, may each one be noble enough to immortalize a truth.


Funds for Brazil’s environment inspection bodies more than doubled in 2021. Even so, deforestation in the Amazon increased by 20% compared to the previous year. In a lecture on Thursday in Manaus at the 1st Environmental Congress of Members of the Audit Courts, I argued that this experience deserves a study.

The queen and the scientist

In the face of so much bad news, so much ignorance and indifference, hearing Queen Elizabeth’s positioning and Carlos Nobre’s science lectures is a breath of fresh air.

Seo Maranhão

That’s when I felt the weight of silence. A nostalgic look was cast at the void that separated us. At that moment, Seo Maranhão showed that he was trapped in a non-existent space-time.