Tense and poetic, “The Territory” is a synthesis of the Amazon’s problems 

Marcello Queiroz Criminal and deafening, the noise of the chainsaw disturbs the forest. The bother is heightened by another sound that shouldn’t belong to the place either—that’s  of motorcycles driven […]

Brazil’s plan to legalize gold-digging causes concerns

Brazil’s ore production is shifting from Minas Gerais and other parts of the country and focusing on the Amazon, mainly in the state of Pará. Much of this production is […]

Sebastião Salgado depicts the beauty and importance of the Amazon

More than 200 images by world-renowned photographer Sebastião Salgado can be seen at the exhibition “Amazônia”, at Sesc Pompeia, in São Paulo, Brazil. With a strong visual impact, the exhibition […]

Incas knew five hundred years ago that the Amazon River originates in Peru

When they established, in 2007, that the Amazon is the longest river in the world, based on expedition, GPS markings and satellite images, Brazilian and Peruvian scientists reaffirmed a truth […]

Names of rivers in Tupi reveal who they really are

  The sonorous names of Amazon rivers, with their mysterious meanings for lay people, are part of the region’s mystique. In a lecture given on January 25, 1889, the jurist […]

Figures tell tale of immense and unique forest

Everyone knows that the Amazon is unique and gigantic in its biodiversity. But see how impressive this data is: On just two forested acres there is a greater variety of […]

Flying rivers: where poetry, nature and science meet

The Amazon is a world of surprising and beautiful phenomena that stir our imagination. Think of the flying rivers, vapors in colossal quantities that rise from the forest and come […]