El Completo

But, as it is the stubbornness that often leads us to phenomenal experiences, I ended the trail bringing with me the thrilling vision of the Gray Glacier, blessed by several moments of contemplation of this world’s grandeur, the inner dialogues, the condor flights over my head, the centenary groves of crooked trees, the “bone-breaking” cold bath in the Los Perros River, the flowering fields and waterfalls of very green waters, and the magical dawn on the rocky walls of Torres Del Paine.

Accomplice of light

Somehow this is what I always looked for, and found, in more than two decades of involvement with an activity that has become more than the extension of a speleological study, the craft of documenting a fantastic world or a life adventure. Entering a cave became the encounter with stillness.

The Little Lady

At that moment I shivered, like someone who feels the first stab of happiness for a sensation never before perceived. I had never tasted such innocence from anyone who wasn’t a child.

Extreme Amazon

The Amazon is fantastically mysterious, free from concepts of right or wrong, good or evil. And only those who can see the beauty hidden beyond their centuries-old trunks realize that the monsters are in the imagination. Everything follows its natural rhythm, and for that, it is necessary to understand this movement.